An in memory gravemarker for Revolutionary War soldier Charles Spangler was placed in the historic Allen-Carper Cemetery near Eagle Rock on Thursday, Oct. 13. The owner of this property gave permission.
Participating in this installation were Dwight Spangler, the fourth great-grandson of Lt. Spangler, his wife Angela ,and former Roanoke County Administrator Elmer Hodge. Hodge is a member of the Fincastle Resolutions Chapter, Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution, and Spangler, from Halifax, is a member of the Dan River Chapter. The perpetual upkeep of this cemetery by the Botetourt County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, is one of the chapter’s many local projects.
Charles Spangler, although originally born in York, Pa., moved to Botetourt County in the mid-1780s and made the area his home until his death in 1833. Several more generations of the Spangler family lived and raised their families in Botetourt County. His grandson Thomas is buried in Copps Cemetery and his great-grandson, Uriah, is interred in Fairview Cemetery, both in Buchanan.

Charles Spangler was a member of the York County, Pa. Militia and was taken prisoner of war during the Battle of Long Island in August 1776. Additionally, his military service record shows him being at the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown.
In 1790, he was awarded a land grant of 480 acres for his service and his home was not far from the Allen-Carper Cemetery. A 1795 map of Botetourt County shows him living near Malcolm Allen, a Botetourt County Revolutionary War patriot. Malcolm Allen and many members of the Allen family are buried in this cemetery. A dedication service is being discussed for next spring.
Submitted by Dwight Spangler, Halifax