On Friday, April 19, Lions 24-C District Governor Rick Carroll came to Daleville to induct the newest member into the newest Lions Club in his district, Helen Mast into the Daleville/Fincastle Lions Club. Helen will be a great addition to the club as her current position with the Roanoke County School System is Vision Specialist assisting blind and visually impaired students. Carroll used the Candlelight Induction Ceremony for the induction which emphasizes the Lions Club’s role in assisting the blind and visually impaired. Pictured are (from left) Lion Robin Ward, District Governor Carroll, new member Helen Mast and Helen’s sponsor, Lion Mary McCormack. The Lions Club International motto is “We Serve.” If you would like to join a service club that provides service to the local community plus worldwide, contact Daleville/Fincastle Membership Chair Forest Wagner at (540) 819-5984 (cell), 966-0059 (work) or email forest@fawagner.com.