Next week’s Botetourt County Board of Supervisors meeting takes place on Tuesday, April 25, at the Botetourt County Administration Center.
The four public hearings are listed in the meeting’s agenda released on Friday afternoon (https://www.botetourtva.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_04252023-383).
The first public hearing during the afternoon session Tuesday is about the board’s consideration for proposed text amendments to Chapter 6 Buildings & Building Regulations of the Botetourt County Code to add Article IV. Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Financing Program.
At 6 p.m., the board reconvenes for public hearings. Two Buchanan District residents have Special Exception Permit (SEP) requests:
Rachel Moss requests a private kennel SEP, with possible conditions, to permit a private kennel for up to 10 dogs in the Agricultural (A-1) Use District located at 2502 Pico Road (Route 625).
Lavern J. and Jessica M. Miller requests a Rural Home Business SEP, with possible conditions, to manufacture suspenders in the A-1 Use District located at 153 Stage Road.
In Valley District: New River Electrical Corporation requests to rezone four contiguous parcels totaling 6.94 acres to the Industrial (M-2) Use District, with possible proffered conditions, located in the Gateway Crossing Overlay District. These parcels are located along Olde Route 604, approximately 0.1 miles east of its intersection with Lee Highway, across the street from the applicant’s facilities located at 15 Olde Route 604 in Troutville.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report