The Eagle Ruritan Club Inc. met June 18 at the Eagle Rock Community Center. The meal was served by the VFW Auxiliary.
The club welcomed Aila Boyd, the new editor of The Fincastle Herald. She introduced herself by sharing some of where she has been, and where she is going; as well as her vision for The Fincastle Herald.
A trash pickup was planned for June 21, along Rt. 43 from US 220 through Eagle Rock. Some leaves and debris were cleaned up around the Community Center and Playground. The club thanks the public for helping to keep the area clean by not littering and by leaving it in better condition than you found it.
The Ruritans welcome the opportunity to share the Eagle Rock Community Center with those who need a meeting place. Call for reservations at 884-2775. (There is a nominal fee to help pay for utilities. The fee can be waived for those serving a bereavement meal.) The Ruritan Motto– “Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service”– is the guide for all of club activities.
Barbara Holaday and Beth Leffel encouraged club members to be involved in and to urge others to attend one of the meetings of Community Health Launch, sponsored by the Botetourt County Health Department. Four community meetings were planned, one in Buchanan at the Botetourt Event Center on July 9, one at the Y in Daleville on July 16; and two remaining events: one at the Fincastle Fire House on Thursday, July 18, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and the other at the Eagle Rock Library on Thursday, July 25, 1 to 3 p.m.
The Ruritans were encouraged to visit local libraries and the Y for summer activities.
At the June club meeting, a Citizenship and Patriotism report was given to acknowledge the placement of flags at various cemeteries in Northern Botetourt County for the annual Memorial Day observance.
The July 16 Ruritan meeting was a family and friends potluck and swim at the home of Ruritan members Steve and Donna Vaughn in Bessemer, a “suburb” of Eagle Rock.
(Correction: In the last Eagle Rock Ruritans news article, a scholarship was mistakenly listed as a Mary D. “Paukey” Pauley Memorial Scholarship, and it should have been a Sidney Yonts Hunter Memorial Scholarship. The club apologizes for the mistake.)