The Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) presented another Senior Social event for county citizens last Friday at Fincastle Baptist Church.
“Our overall goal is to make you aware of senior fraud,” Sheriff Matt Ward said during his presentation, “so that you are aware and educated on the latest trends that are going on.”
The event created by BCSO focuses on bringing seniors and law enforcement together to provide a platform to showcase the many services available to the 50+ community. A free buffet lunch was provided to attendees. Sheriff Ward presented an abbreviated summarization of the last Senior Social fraud presentation that was followed by a brief presentation by Bank of Botetourt’s Kelly Focht, who served as the social’s guest speaker.
Local seniors visited with many of the public and private services available that were on site. The event and all services were provided free of charge to the senior community.
The LOA (Local Office on Aging) is currently looking for volunteers. Contact the Botetourt County’s office at (540) 580-5085 for more information.
The next Senior Social event will take place on May 3, 2024.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report