Troutville Mayor David Horton, members of Troutville Town Council and members of the Fincastle Garden Club held their annual Veterans Day Program on Sunday, Nov. 10.
The Colors were presented by the Troutville Church of the Brethren Boy Scout Troop 137 as well as the Pledge of Allegiance with Andrew Lynn, Scoutmaster. The Rev. Robert A. McRae sang the national anthem as well as “America the Beautiful.” Prayers were given by the Rev. Terry Johnson, pastor of Troutville Church of the Brethren, and the Rev. Reggie Warren, interim pastor of Troutville Baptist Church.
Mayor David Horton welcomed everyone to the program and also recognized the veterans in the audience. A Key to the Town along with a Resolution was presented to Lucille Painter Graybill, who will turn 103 years young later this month. Shirley Mullins, president of the Fincastle Garden Club, was emcee for this event. Readings were given by Fincastle Garden Club members Mary Bosserman, Donna Grubb, Lee Minnix, Janet Richardson, Joyce Sarver, Sharon Smith, Barbara Vassar and Paige Ware. Jason Ferguson with Botetourt County EMS was also one of the speakers.
The Veterans Day Address with given by Charles L. Vassar Jr., U.S. Army Sergeant E5 and member of American Legion Post 240. The program concluded with the Boy Scouts retrieving the Colors and the playing of “Taps.”