The Tuesday Morning Club met October 9 at Mt. Pleasant Church with eight members and one guest present. Ruby Taylor called the meeting to order, Nancy Waddell read the minutes, Faye Kessler gave the treasurer’s report and hostess Rita Bruffey led devotions.
October’s project was a food basket for a family. November’s project will be a food basket for a family and gifts for veterans at Cave Creek.
The hostess gift was won by Dot Hillard, and game prizes by Ruby Taylor and Cheryl Wood. Members will send get well card to Norma Johnson, who is at The Glebe for rehab, and Priscilla Hedrick and Diana Hatter, who also have been ill.
The next meeting will be December 14 at Bellacino’s for a Christmas lunch.
Also in attendance but not previously mentioned were Barbara Harris, Gale Webb and guest Alice Crowder. Pictured, from left, are Dot Hillard, Faye Kessler, Ruby Taylor, Nancy Waddell, Gale Webb, Rita Bruffey, Cheryl Wood and Barbara Harris.