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The Botetourt County Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held the annual Honors, Recognitions, Memorials, and Celebrations Meeting in the Botetourt Room at The Glebe. Family members joined the DAR members to celebrate milestones in the life of this chapter.
New members were inducted into the chapter in a ceremony led by JoElla Hall John, Emily Talbot-Guillote and Roblyn Gardner Brand. The new members had proven that they are descended from Patriots from the American Revolution. New members are Leslee Suzanne Cronise, Sandra Etheridge Dodd, Harriet Brewbaker Francis, Elizabeth Jane McKinley Holt, Annie Jeter Lee, Susan Frances Fentriss Martin, and Gail Oliver Palmer.
The 2020 Good Citizen Award was presented to an outstanding student from James River High School. This was awarded to Kevin Austin, who attended with his family.
And a memorial service was held to remember Mildred Frances Minter Mounfield, who passed away within the last year.
The Daughters of the American Revolution is a non-profit, non-political organization open to any woman who has lineage to a Patriot who contributed to the success of the American Revolution. It is founded on service to the community. It fosters patriotism, education and service. The motto is God, Home, and Country. More than 1,000,000 women have joined the organization since it was founded over 125 years ago.
If you are interested or have questions, contact Membership Chair Emily Talbot-Guillote via email at eptg1019@gmail.com or Regent JoElla Hall John at jjohnregent@gmail.com.