Photo courtesy of Eagle Rock Ruritan Club
The May meeting of the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club was opened by President Beth Leffel, who welcomed members and guests and called on Grace Mundy to lead the group in singing “My Country, ’Tis of Thee.” After prayer by Chaplain Robert McRae, the group enjoyed a meal provided by the Eagle Rock United Methodist Church.
Club member Trudy Trammel introduced the speaker for the program, Elfie Allman, who represented a volunteer organization called Ryan’s Case for Smiles. Ryan’s Case for Smiles is one of the few volunteer organizations solely dedicated to helping sick children cope with their illnesses and injuries. As Allman talked about the organization and what it does, she demonstrated what volunteers are asked to do. By the end of her presentation, she had pinned together the pieces of a whimsical pillowcase that will give a child an emotional boost along the road to recovery. Ruritans were amazed at just how much a colorful pillowcase can boost the morale of a sick or injured child in the hospital.
During the business portion of the meeting, President Leffel and Audrey Clark from the Community Engagement Committee gave a glowing report of the May 13 “Science Fest” activities. Everyone was pleased with the large number of folks who attended; the encouraging number of science projects presented; and the ample number of community vendors reminding the attendees of the many ways that math, science, and health affect and benefit our daily lives. No one went away hungry because the three food vendors provided generously. Thanks to all who participated to make the “Science Fest” a great success. Special thanks to Matt de Simone at The Fincastle Herald for advertising and reporting on the activities of the day. The Ruritan Club members are challenging themselves to do it again!
Barbara Holaday from the Environment Committee thanked all who helped with the “Litter Pick-Up” on the club’s usual route as well as around the Community Center. Vice President Donna Vaughn (chair of Finance Committee) gave a report on the overwhelming success of the drive-through fish fry fundraiser. Bill Critcher from the Citizenship and Patriotism Committee reminded members that flags were to be placed on veterans’ graves in honor of Memorial Day. The Scholarship Committee announced the recent James River High School senior recipients of two club scholarships: the $1,000 Sidney Hunter Memorial Scholarship to Levi Miller and the $1,000 J.B. Buhrman Memorial Scholarship to Natalie Thomas.
The meeting was adjourned with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
The Eagle Rock Community Center is available for community use. For reservations, call 540-884-2775.
~ Eagle Rock Ruritan Club