The October meeting of the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club at Forest Grove Baptist Church was a combined meeting with Zone Two of the Natural Bridge District of Ruritan National. The meeting was jointly conducted by Club President Brian Marazzi and Zone Two Governor Jim Frasier. Members of the Bonsack/Blue Ridge and Catawba Valley Clubs were welcomed.
The three Clubs in Zone Two agreed to continue two annual joint projects: feeding the veterans at the Virginia Veterans Care Center in Salem in May, and donating socks to the Roanoke Rescue Mission in December.
The Zone meetings also provide a time when the three clubs can share highlights of their individual club projects and encourage each another in their efforts to improve the communities in which they are located. Members were reminded that the Natural Bridge District Convention will be at the Natural Bridge State Park on November 10, and the Ruritan National Convention will be January 9-12, 2020, in Kingsport, Tenn. Zone Two clubs are part of Ruritan National headquartered in Dublin. The Ruritan motto is: “Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service.
The Eagle Rock Club meets at 7 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month and welcomes visitors. The club continues to offer the Eagle Rock Community Center at nominal fee for use by individuals and organizations in the Eagle Rock area. For reservations, call 884-2775.