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On Tuesday evening, February 19, the Daleville/Fincastle Lions hosted Kay Ford as a guest speaker for the Club and for the residents of The Glebe. Ford is a member of the Cave Spring Lions Club and is currently serving her second term as president. She was recently appointed as zone chair for 2018-2019.
Ford worked in the field of ophthalmology for over four decades before retiring in 2013 from Vistar Eye Center. Her topic for the session revolved around eye care.
In other news for the Club, President Carole Smith has been awarded a Certificate as a Certified Vision Screener from Lions KidSight Foundation. She will be conducting classes for members who want to become certified. The Club is actively seeking preschool, daycare, and homeschool vision screen opportunities. There is no charge for the service. For more information, email dalevillelions@gmail.com.
Visitors are invited to attend meetings held the first Wednesday of every month at noon at The Glebe and/or the third Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at the same location.