The Botetourt Retired Educators will meet on Monday, Nov. 11, at Wheatland Lutheran Church, 1560 Wheatland Road, Buchanan. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 11 a.m. Dr Lisa Chen, superintendent of Botetourt County Public Schools, will present the program.
Members are asked to bring items for the Botetourt County Food Pantry and candy/treats that will be distributed to the staffs at Botetourt County schools during American Education Week. Dues ($35) may be paid at any BRE meeting. Cost of lunch is $12.
Members should receive an email notification or a phone call about the meeting. If you are a retired educator living in Botetourt County and would like to attend, contact Susan Martin (473-2636) by Friday, Nov. 1 to be included in the count for lunch. New members are always welcome.