Volunteers of the Buchanan Special Events Committee are working behind the scenes for next Saturday’s Garden Festival on May 4. Chairperson Peggy Ramsey (left) works with volunteers Barbara Stull (middle) and Kim Bennett to unpack the new arrival of Buchanan Garden Festival shirts which will be on sale during the Buchanan Garden Festival. Shirts will sell for $15 each and be available at the Special Events Committee Booth. The shirt features the town’s new LOVE logo which is in the plans. The letters LOVE will allow the O to be rotational for events. The Garden Festival shirt features the Virginia State Flower, the dogwood. Buchanan Elementary School Librarian Sarah Boblett has organized a Children’s Tea Party in the Garden to add to the other children’s activities, including games and “Touch A Tractor” sponsored by James River Equipment. The day’s activities feature a little bit of something for everyone including live music, garden vendors, crafters and home improvement. Additional details will be included in next week’s edition of The Fincastle Herald.